Waitress Dreams

Last night in my dreams, I was a waitress. It looked like a 1960’s diner and I looked like a 1960’s waitress. Although my hair was in a ponytail and not a bun. The uniform was white and the apron was red. The little hat on my head had red and yellow in it and the tables were round with silver trim and the tops were red. The décor was mainly red with some yellow, but it was a diner, not McDonald’s.

diner table

I was wiping off a table and we were about to close and there was a couple in a booth at the end of the bar (soda fountain bar – no alcohol served) and they were kissing, annoyingly kissing but they were not a couple. The girl was a close family member of mine in real life. They each belonged to someone else and the girl said, “we are just satisfying a need for the moment”. I knew the girl’s boyfriend and I said to myself, “I wonder what your boyfriend would think about that.”

The next scene was me in the car with her boyfriend, and he was giving me a ride home. I kept thinking, “I wonder if he knows she is deceitful”. Everything was black. all I could see was a spotlight on the diner and his eyes in the rearview mirror as we drove away.


Robert DeNiro photo in Taxi Driver I would like to say that I will not make known who these people are, anything I dreamed was just a dream and it does not mean they are cheaters, or would ever do that, or that I think they would do that. It was just a dream.

I had a dream before this and the only thing I can remember is there were furry animals in it, I think it was kittens because when I woke up I had a clear picture of a white kitten with a pink bow around its neck. The bow was on the kitten’s chest, not back. But that is all I remember. I woke up at 2:45 am

Dream Shot & The Maze

Last night I had 2 dreams. I do not dream about the things I fall asleep thinking of, instead, if I am actively thinking before I fall asleep, I end up dreaming of things in my subconscious, or things I have seen at some point in my past. Take last night for instance, I went to sleep thinking of what conversation was going to be going on in my book between brothers and wives. But my dream was mainly about shooting. This was my dream:

There was a large white cement building with block windows and doorways. There were no glass in the windows and no doors in the doorways.  We were in Iraq.

This building was a hotel and there was a kitchen on the second floor. My husband and I were on the first floor. My husband was thinner, and had black hair. In real life he is a big bald guy with a beard and an earring.

I left the room, and right outside our doorway was a floating staircase like this:



(Picture from studio-tm.com)

This is exactly how the building and staircase looked. At the bottom step was our doorway on the left and even a window next to the door. I was wearing a floor length black and white dress with black shiny Mary Jane heels. I lifted my dress just above the ankle so I could see my footing as I walked up the stairs. I could hear bullets in the air flying by my feet. In the distance about a mile away there was a man who looked American with a black t-shirt on looking through a scope and shooting at my ankles.  All of a sudden my view was the scope of the rifle like this:


But all I could see was an eye and the man was to the left. (Picture from cracked.com 5 most impossible shots #3)

I was dodging the bullets and almost falling as I began to run to the top of the stairs. At the top of the landing to the right was another building and there were men standing around in white slacks, white dress shirts, black belts and a headdress . (Thank you Pinterest). They were Arabs and I felt that they were bad guys because they were all carrying machine guns on straps across their chest, but they ran to hold my hand as I was stumbling on the stairs. With each step up I thanked them because I could still hear the bullets, but they could not or didn’t care.

When I got to the top the head guy who was not wearing a headdress told me, “don’t say thank you in English, you say ……………”. The word he used started with an “S” but I don’t remember what it was. I smiled and repeated the word to him, to thank him and he just bowed his head like to say your welcome.  I went in the doorway to the left which was the kitchen (like I just disappeared into the dark room) and when I came out I had a green bowl of soup that was on a red wooden tray with a white napkin and a silver spoon on the tray in my hand. I started back down the stairs again lifting my dress just above the ankle so I could see. Again I was stumbling going down because I could hear the bullets in the air. At the bottom left of the stairs were 3 women  wearing Solid black Jilbab dress

but they had a band of coins around their forehead that went under the head piece, so you could only see it in the space above their eyes.


(photo from aliexpress.com) . They were making fun of me for stumbling. When I got to the bottom, I went in the room and everything went dark.

I woke up.

Dream #2

I was in a town that had no busses but I had to travel a distance. I had my big brown bag with me on my shoulder. It was this big, but not this nice.

bag This bag was on Pinterest (Everhandmade.com)

Anyway I was walking. I was trying to get to a woman’s house because she knew how to drive a bus, she had been a bus driver before in another city and I knew where she lived. She still lived with her parents. The woman in my dream who drove the bus was


Gillian Anderson. She wore a faded pink sweatshirt and faded jeans with keds and no socks.  (I haven’t seen her in years. I know she was on X-files and I loved that show but I haven’t seen her since then) and I didn’t see her until the end of my dream.

(In real life, when we were kids, we use to walk through the woods behind our house to our grandparents house.  It was my father’s parents house. It took about 30 minutes and it was an adventure for us, there were over grown trails, fallen trees. It was scary but exciting)

I had this bag and I walked through the woods to get to this drivers house. At a certain point the overgrown path lead to a building. It was abandoned, and trees were overgrown. It looked like a building that would be left after the zombie apocalypse. I could not go around this building I had to go through it. Once inside, the hallways were narrow and made of glass. On the left and right it was places for animals. It seemed to be a large kennel, for very large animals, although I don’t know what kind because it was empty but there were trails of kitty litter all the way down the walls from one end of the building to the other. I got through the building and was in the forest again. Still the trail was overgrown. Then suddenly it stopped and I was on a dirt road. (In real life this road was familiar. It was the road to my grandparents house, but the grandparents on my mom’s side)

I walked the dirt road to the house. The bus driver wasn’t there, but she lived with her parents were. I wrote a note and was going to leave it on the door because the house looked like no one was home. There were all kinds of little nick nacks hanging around outside the house and hanging plants as well. There was a long dirty white porch on the front of the house.  The mother let me in and I sat with her and the bus driver’s father and we visited and talked. Afterward I left and went back the way I came. I entered into the forest and came upon the abandoning building and went in. All the litter had been tuned up, like someone had been looking for something. I heard the sound of a monster… or what sounded like one and I began to run. I ran through the maze in the building and I came out near where my parent’s house is, in the dream It was my house. As I walked out of the woods, I was at the main street in town. The bus that was nonexistent stopped for me and it was Gillian Andersen to pick me up. I got on the bus which was a school bus, and sat behind her. As she drove I began to tell her that I visited with her parents and she began to cry because she had not seen them in years. She missed my stop and let me off about a mile from my house. Then I woke up

That was it.


A Little About My Book

Right now I am toying with a few titles for my book, but I would like to tell you what it is about. Well a little bit of what it is about.  As you may know, I am Lumbee from North Carolina.  A long time ago people there didn’t trust banks because they were not federally insured and if they were robbed, well, the people lost all their money, so people began to bury their money. My grandfather did, I know because we dug it up before he passed away. He told us where to find it and he wanted to see it before he died. But if you talk to some of the other older people around there they could tell you some stories about money hunting, but some people with tell you they don’t know what you are talking about, and some are being honest.

Back during the Civil War from 1861-1865 there were slave owners in the South. I think we all know about that. Africans were heavily documented in their journey here because they were considered property. The Native Americans however were not as heavily documented because they already lived here and were sometimes owned by other Native Americans.

When a slave owner wanted to bury all their money (instead of putting it in a bank) they would take their most loyal slave with them to help and only that one. Now they would do this for just a few hundred dollars, it was more than that and they could have possibly obtained the money by dishonest means. Anyway, the money would be buried near something that was a fixed object, like the corner of a house, or a dug well that was away from the house, some wells went down a hundred feet. They dug until they hit water. Some wells have been around for  decades.

Once the hole was dug, and the money/jewels/valuables were in the ground, the slave owner would ask the slave, “will you guard my money even after I’m dead, will you guard it forever?” The slave would of course say yes I mean imagine the repercussions if they refused.   As soon as the slave agreed, the owner would shoot him and bury them on top or next to the money or valuables. This acceptance of guarding the money would tie the spirit of the slave to the money.  If anyone tried to dig it up, the spirit would make itself known, by making a noise and scarring the person doing the digging and once the person was close enough to the en-chant, and the spirit scared them and they made a noise, a scream, a shout or said anything the money or valuables would “run”.  It was called “enchanted money”, some of the old people I knew in my family called it “en-chant” for short.

Now when I say it would run. That is exactly what I mean. If the valuables were in a jar, or a chest, and noise was made, the person digging could not be able to hold on to the en-chant, it would literally move sideways underground, or straight down. Either way, it would move.

When I was growing up I had friends who had digging going on in their grandparents yard and would find tunnels, small tunnels, I never saw a large one, but they were deep and went on for a long time. No one would follow the tunnels, one friend’s uncle actually had it covered up and began digging in a different part of the yard farther away from the house. People who knew about money hunting didn’t want anything to do with it. It was dangerous and there is a potential that something could follow you home. I had family members that hunted money.

My book is about two brothers who go money hunting and the repercussions it has on them and their families.

Tuscan Chicken

Tuscan Chicken

This dish was not only amazing but it was easy too and very fast.  Here is the recipe Tuscan Chicken I did add Portobello mushrooms, I sautéed them in the beginning.  My recipe was a bit different, but I think that only made it better. Here’s what I used.

3 chicken breasts

1 pk fresh pasta

1/2 cup chicken broth

1 cup heavy whipping cream

1 cup sun-dried tomatoes

2 cloves of garlic

1 cup shredded parmesan cheese (optional)

1/2 tbs corn starch (to thicken the sauce esp. if you don’t use the cheese)

1 to 2 handfulls of fresh spinach

2 tbs coconut oil

1 tsp Italian seasoning

Portobello mushrooms (4 large, or as many as you want, or omit)

Tuscan Chicken2

Start cooking the chicken in some water and put on a pot of water for the pasta and add a little salt. When the chicken is just done, pour the remaining water in a measuring cup, or if there is more than that left, pour it in a small bowl.  Add coconut oil (or butter, or olive oil) to the pot of chicken and let it sauté until it gets a little color on both sides. Add Italian seasoning and garlic. Cook for an additional minute or two. Remove the chicken. Add half cup of sun-dried tomatoes and the mushrooms if you are using them. Add a little of the chicken broth to help cook your ingredients down. Stir until the mushrooms are tender.

Next, add the cream and a half cup of broth to the pot and whisk until it thickens a bit. Once it starts to bubble, add the rest of the tomatoes, parmesan cheese, corn starch, and spinach. Remember you can omit the cheese, I think this sauce will do well without it. Stir well and add the chicken. Simmer and let the chicken marinate in this lovely sauce.

When the pot of water starts to boil, add the pasta. Use the fresh pasta, it only takes 3 minutes to cook and it tastes like my own homemade pasta when I take the time to make the dough and slice it. You won’t regret it. If you make this dish, please let me know how it came out. I didn’t create it, I found it on Pinterest.  Make sure you taste it as you go. Your taste buds will tell you if you should add more of something. Everyone is different, you might like more garlic or less spinach. You can tailor it by tasting it as you go.

I made this recipe for 2, but I didn’t reduce anything for the sauce because I love sauce, so I had plenty. I should have added more tomatoes, they were so flavorful.