Bible for the Day #3

Proverbs 13:20 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

  • What qualities do you value most in a friend?  Some qualities might be; Godly, loyal, discernment, honesty, generosity, trustworthy, encouragement, being real without being mean, dependability, non-judgmental, listener, kind, loving, caring, protective of me or will stand up for me, helpful, respectful, open-hearted.
  • Have you ever been somewhere with a friend and secretly thought “I hope no one I know sees me here”?
  • Did it make you question the company you were keeping?
  • Do you believe who you spend your free time with really matters?

God help me make the right decisions about the people I keep in my life.  If I am not strong enough to influence them, I pray you will open a door so I may exit their life.  But if it is your will, please help me to be an influencer to everyone I come in contact with.
